Dr. Vladimir Damljanović

vladimir Damljanovic


Associate Research Professor


2009 - present: Employed at the Institute of Physics Belgrade first as an Assistant Research Professor and later as an Associate Research Professor

2004 - 2008 PhD studies at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany

2001 - 2003 MSc studies at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany

Molecular and lattice vibrations.
Solid-state physics.



  1. V. Damljanović: “Non-magnetic layers with a single symmetry-protected Dirac cone: Which additional dispersions must appear?”, EPL 147, 56003 (2024).
  2. V. Damljanović: “Centrosymmetric, non‑symmorphic, non‑magnetic, spin–orbit coupled layers without Dirac cones”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 56, 1262 (2024)
  3. V. Damljanović, N. Lazić: "Electronic structures near unmovable nodal points and lines in two-dimensional materials", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 215201 (2023)
  4. Vladimir Damljanović: "Movable but unavoidable nodal lines through high-symmetry points in two-dimensional material", Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023, 043I02 (2023)
  5. N. Lazić, V. Damljanović, M. Damnjanović: “Fully linear band crossings at high symmetry points in layers: classification and role of spin-orbit coupling and time reversal”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 325202 (2022)
  6. V. Damljanović, N. Lazić, A. Šolajić, J. Pešić, B. Nikolić and M. Damnjanović: "Peculiar symmetry-protected electronic dispersions in two-dimensional materials", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 485501 (2020)
  7. Jelena Pešić, Igor Popov, Andrijana Šolajić, Vladimir Damljanović, Kurt Hingerl, Milivoj Belić, Radoš Gajić: "Ab Initio Study of the Electronic, Vibrational, and Mechanical Properties of the Magnesium Diboride Monolayer”, Condensed Matter, 4(2), 37 (2019)
  8. V. Damljanović: “An example of diperiodic crystal structure with semi-Dirac electronic dispersion”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 50(7), 272 (2018)
  9. Svetlana Savić-Šević, Dejan Pantelić, Vladimir Damljanović, Branislav Jelenković: “Bifurcation in reflection spectra of holographic diffraction grating recorded on dichromated pullulan”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 50(4), 195 (2018)
  10. V. Damljanović, I. Popov, R. Gajić: "Fortune teller fermions in two-dimensional materials", Nanoscale 9, 19337-19345 (2017)
  11. V. Damljanović, R. Gajić: “Existence of semi-Dirac cones and symmetry of two-dimensional materials”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 185503 (2017)
  12. V. Damljanović, R. Gajić: “Addendum to: Existence of Dirac cones in the Brillouin zone of diperiodic atomic crystals according to group theory”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, 439401 (2016)
  13. V. Damljanović: “Simple analytical relation between vibrational frequencies of linear XY2 – type molecules”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 48, 293 (2016)
  14. V. Damljanović, R. Gajić: “Existence of Dirac cones in the Brillouin zone of diperiodic atomic crystals according to group theory”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, 085502 (2016)
  15. J. Pešić, V. Damljanović, R. Gajić, K. Hingerl, M. Belić: “Density functional theory study of phonons in graphene doped with Li, Ca and Ba”, Europhysics Letters 112, 67006 (2015)
  16. V Damljanović, R Kostić and R Gajić “Characters of graphene's symmetry group Dg80“, Phys. Scr. T162, 014022 (2014)
  17. V. Damljanović: “Structure and dynamics of Xn-type clusters (n=3, 4, 6) from spontaneous symmetry breaking theory”, Physica Scripta T157, 014033 (2013)
  18. V. Damljanović, R. Kostić, R. Gajić: “M‐point phonon eigenvectors of graphene obtained by group projectors”, Romanian Reports in Physics 65, 193‐203 (2013)
  19. V. Damljanović, R. Gajić: “Phonon eigenvectors of graphene at high‐symmetry points of the Brillouin zone”, Physica Scripta T149, 014067 (2012)
  20. V. Damljanović, C. Ulrich, C. Bernhard, B. Keimer, P. Mandal, A. Krimmel, A. Loidl: “Raman scattering study of Ru(Sr,La)2GdCu2O8”, Physical Review B 73 (17), 172502 (2006)
  21. P. Adler, A. Lebon, V. Damljanović, C. Ulrich, C. Bernhard, A.V. Boris, A. Maljuk, C.T. Lin, B. Keimer: “Magnetoresistance effects in SrFeO3-δ: Dependence on phase composition and relation to magnetic and charge order”, Physical Review B 73 (9), 094451 (2006)
  22. A. Maljuk, A. Lebon, V. Damljanović, C. Ulrich, C.T. Lin, P. Adler, B. Keimer: “Growth and oxygen treatment of SrFeO3-y single crystals”, Journal of Crystal Growth 291 (2), 412-415 (2006)
  23. A. T. Matveev, G. Cristiani, E. Sader, V. Damljanović, H. –U. Habermeier: “Growth of RuSr2GdCu2O8 films by post‐annealing of pulsed laser deposited precursors”, Physica C 417, 50‐57 (2004)



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E-mail: graphene@ipb.ac.rs