Dr. Igor Popov


igor popov


Associate Research Professor


(may 2015-present) Joined the Graphene group at the Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials of the Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia

(2009 - 2014)Research associate at School of Physics and CRANN at Trinity College Dublin

(2008 - 2009) Postdoctoral position, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, TU Dresden

(2004 - 2008) PhD Student at Technical University Dresden, Germany

(1996 - 2003) MSc at Department of theoretical and experimental Physics, University of Belgrade


Ab-initio modelling of 2D materials



    - graphene, layered and 2D materials (graphene, chalcohalides, etc)

    - magnetic materials and multiferroics

    - topological insulators

    - electronic and spin transport

    - scanning probe microscopy (SPM)


- Abinit, GDFTB, DFTB+, DeMon, Siesta, Smeagol

-C++, Pascal, x86 assembly, Prolog, SQL, Bash scripting

- OpenMP, MPI, Mathematica, Java EE, Evolutionary algorithms, data mining


Graduated with Doctorate Summa Cum Laude - with highest honor

Professor-Schwabe-Preis of Unuiversity of Technology Dresden

SFI grant at CRANN, Trinity Colledge Dublin

300,000 hours of computing time on Kelvin as well as Lonsdale cluster TCHPC



J Pešić, I Popov, A Šolajić, V Damljanović, K Hingerl, M Belić, R Gajić, “Ab Initio Study of the Electronic, Vibrational, and Mechanical Properties of the Magnesium Diboride Monolayer” Condensed Matter 4 (2), 37 (2019)

Tijana Tomašević-Ilić, Đorđe Jovanović, Igor Popov, Rajveer Fandan, Jorge Pedrós, Marko Spasenović and Radoš Gajić, Reducing sheet resistance of self-assembled transparent graphene films by defect patching and doping with UV/ozone treatment, Applied Surface Science 458 (2018) 446–453

I.Popov, G.Seifert, D.Tomanek Designing electrical contacts to MoS 2 monolayers: a computational study Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 , 156802 ,

I.Popov, N.Baadji, S.Sanvito Magnetism and antiferroelectricity in MgB 6 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 , 107205,

I.Popov, T.Yang, S .Berber, G.Seifert, D.Tomanek, Unique structural and transport properties of molybdenum chalcohalide nanowires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 085503 ,

I.Popov, S.Gemming, S.Okano, N.Ranjan, G.Seifert Electromechanical switch based on Mo6S6 nanowires, Nano Lett. 8 , 4093 ,

I.Popov, M.Mantega, A.Narayan, S.Sanvito Proximity - induced topological state in graphene, Phys. Rev. B 90 , 035418 ,

A.Enyashin, L.Yadgarov, L.Houben, I.Popov, M.Weidenbach, R.Tenne, M. Bar - Sadan, G.Seifert New route for stabilization of 1T - WS 2 and MoS 2 phases,J. Phys. Chem. C 115 , 24586

E.Erdogan, I.Popov, G.Seifert Robust electronic and transport properties of graphene break nanojunctions, Phys. Rev. B 83 , 245417 ,

E.Erdogan, I.Popov, C.G.Rocha, G.Cunniberti, S.Roche, G.Seifert Engineering carbon chains from mechanically stretched graphene - based materials, Phys. Rev. B 83 , 041401 ,

I.Popov, S.Gemming, G.Seifert Structural and electronic properties of Mo 6 S 8 clusters deposited on a Au(111) surface investigated with density functional theory, Phys. Rev. B 75 , 245436 ,

I.Milosevic, B.Nikolic, E.Dobardzic, M.Damnjanovic , I.Popov, G.Seifert Electronic properties and optical spectra of MoS 2 And WS 2 nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 76 , 233414 ,

I.Popov, T.Kunze, S.Gemming, G.Seifert Self - assembly of Mo 6 S 8 clusters on the Au(111) surface, Eur. Phys. J. D 45 , 439 ,

S.Gemming, I.Popov, M.Lehmann Star - shaped oligobenzoates: non - conventional mesogens forming columnar helical mesophases, Phil. Mag. Lett . 87 , 883 ,

Polymorphysm in liquid crystals from star - shaped M.Lehmann, M.Jahr, B.Donnio, R.Graf, S.Gemming and I.Popov mesogens, Chem. Eur. J. 14 , 3562 ,

A.Enyashin, I.Popov, G.Seifert Stability and electronic properties of rhenium disulfide nanotubes, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 246 , 114 ,

E.Erdogan, I.Popov, A.N.Enyashin, G.Seifert Transport properties of MoS 2 nanoribbons: edge priority, Eur. Phys. J. B 85 , 33 ,




Contact Us

Address: Institute of Physics,Pregrevica 118, Belgrade 11080 (Zemun) Serbia
Telephone:+381 11 3713190
FAX:+381 11 3160531
E-mail: graphene@ipb.ac.rs